Please note that while partaking in any of our tours the following risks and dangers include but are not limited to:
Transport: We use a wide range of transport means such as car, bus, aircraft, bicycle, boat, raft, horse and cart, kayak or any other as required. Please note that on some of our tours, especially in remote locations, the roads, bridges, rivers and trails can be in poor condition and we often face obstacles such as fallen trees, flooding, bogging of vehicles and dust among others.
Activities: Include trekking, rafting, fishing, camping, swimming, climbing and boating risks. Due to the fact you often will be in a completely natural surrounding the following risks include but are not limited to snake bites, insect/ spider bites, allergic reactions, injuries from falls, falling objects, swimming, dangerous wildlife. Please be aware many of the tour locations include contain pumas, jaguars, venomous snakes, spiders, insects, peccaries, and more.
Travelling in a range of environments such as mountains, forests, deserts and often rivers, which vary greatly in climate and altitude.
Climatic Conditions can change rapidly, without warning which can result in extreme events such as flash flooding, freezing temperatures, storms, heat waves, snowstorms and more.
Injuries, medical illness, accidents can all occur in remote locations with no medical facilities or options for rapid evacuation.